Thursday, June 18, 2009

To The Beach

Posted by A Jersey Girl

On Saturday we will leave for our annual, two weeks at the Jersey Shore and Ben's parents. It's nice, the kids go to swim school at the same school that Ben went to and they get to play on the beaches that Ben and I did as kids. We get to do all the tourist things we avoided when we were kids, like rides at Pt. Pleasant Boardwalk!!!

There are other nice things about this trip, it only costs us to travel there and back! Once we get there, the frig is full and beds are waiting! The only things we are on the hook for are "extras" we cannot go without...a Vic's Pizza or Mike's Sub or maybe a date night since we have free babysitting!

It is exciting for the kids to experience the same things we did as kids! I am grateful that my in-laws welcome us excitedly! There will be many posts and pictures in the coming weeks. A trip to the New Yankee Stadium and maybe the Statue of Liberty!

Monday, May 18, 2009

A Change of Pace

Posted by A Jersey Girl

I have decided to start yet another blog. Yes, this does bring the total to 4, but I am hoping that this one will be different, less about me and more about how my family's travel adventures can entertain and perhaps guide others traveling with monsters:)

I will share deals we find, because I know that traveling with five is not cheap! The things that you just cannot miss and those that you should. Restaurants that work/ed for us(and those that don't:)

I will also share anything I think might be good to know when traveling with a family!